Hampton Designs Studio & Shop
recommendation report
Introduction and Methodology

Our Recommendation Report has 5 total analyses that discuss a specific area of the project and shows how each other affects the progress of Hampton Designs Studio’s advancement in the future. Our goal for this report is to gather more information that would benefit the growth and sales of Hampton Designs Studio.
In this recommendation report there is information that has been found using over 500 hours of research and local survey studies as a team. This time invested has made it possible for us to collectively provide and examine useful marketing and advertising skills that will allow more customer engagement and higher sales. Each analysis includes a local study that shows the effectiveness of each area in the recommendation report and the advantages it may bring to Hampton Designs Studio.
In order to find useful recommendations for our client, our team researched ways that Hampton Design Studio could most effectively improve sales as well as customer interaction and satisfaction through the use of social media marketing and local parking improvements.
Overall, the team spent around 250 hours researching for and designing this report. Our team was able to get Adam Hampton’s, our client, confirmation on our topic via email.
Secondary Research:
We wanted to know how to use social media marketing to increase sales and customer interaction with Hampton Designs Studio as well as parking around their store. Based on what we wanted to know, we centered our research around the benefits of social media marketing and the various tips and strategies that small businesses could utilize to improve their customer’s satisfaction. Since we also had the topic of parking, we made sure to investigate ways that small businesses could create parking, advertise free local parking nearby, and encourage a park-once-then-walk environment.
This information was found in scholarly articles provided by Google Scholar, ProQuest, and the IUPUI Library databases. Google Scholar and ProQuest provide access to literary works, such as journals, articles, and dissertations, from universities, publishers, and other experts alike. We also used supporting information from experts in articles found online. Through this information, our team was able to understand specific aspects of the problem and formulate effective recommendations.
Primary Research:
However, we still needed to know how the public felt about social media use around a small business and how comfortable they would feel shopping at a store that did not have designated parking. In order to find these answers, we constructed a survey with the intent of making sure our initial research was efficient and that our recommendations were helpful.
To create our survey, each team member prepared one question so that our final product consisted of five questions. We then created the survey through Google Forms and disseminated it to our classmates through Canvas. We wanted to determine:
What their preferred networking event was
How often do they purchase a product after seeing it advertised on social media
Which social media platform gets used the most
How often do people click on ads promoting a small business and their products
How comfortable they would feel buying from a business that did not engage on social media.
We ended up getting 17 responses out of the 19 people that we sent our survey.
With both the information that we discovered online and the responses that we received from the survey, we better understood the scope of our project and were ready to move on to our analysis.