Hampton Designs Studio & Shop
recommendation report
Our Team
Brittney Smith

Carly Wischmeyer

Danielle Swanigan
I am a Junior majoring in Social Work. After graduating, I plan on attending graduate school for my Masters Degree in Behavioral Health Therapy.
For this report, I researched the benefits of social media marketing and advertising as well as focusing on the engagement process.
I am a Sophomore majoring in Public Safety Management. After graduating, I hope to work for the FBI in their Crimes Against Children Unit.
For this report, I researched the various benefits of social media marketing and using micro-influencers.
I am a Sophomore majoring in Communication Studies. Once graduated, I plan to begin my career working with businesses.
For my involvement in this report, I researched the most efficient benefits of business advertising and marketing skills for increasing business revenue.
Tess Reno

I am a Sophomore majoring in Communication Studies. Once graduated, I plan to begin my career working with businesses.
For my involvement in
this report, I researched the
most efficient benefits of business advertising and marketing skills for increasing business revenue.
Guilia Marciano
I am a sophomore majoring in psychology. I plan to get my masters after graduating undergrad.
For my involvement, I researched the benefits of social networking and how to attract business through the use of social networking.